Award-winning writer with 25+ years' experience. Expertise: healthcare, biopharma, value-based care, clinical trials, health IT, health policy, home health & more.
Bridging the Gap in Dementia Care: Innovative Program Streamlines Diagnosis and Access
Ghostwritten blog post for WCG
Diagnosing early-stage dementia is often delayed by time constraints in primary care visits, a shortage of dementia specialists, and long waitlists. A program at the Medical University of South Carolina may offer a solution, according to a paper recently published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology.
What to Expect After a Mild Heart Attack
This short blog post explains to caregivers how to recognize mild heart attacks and how to care for their loved ones afterward.
Ultrasound for Transgender and Nonbinary Patients: Ensuring Inclusive Healthcare
Information for HCPs about caring for transgender and nonbinary people.
Finding inclusive healthcare is elusive. Transgender and nonbinary patients frequently struggle to find healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about their medical and healthcare issues—such as hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgery—and who are sensitive to their unique experiences, including trauma histories.
4 Ways Cloud Healthcare Technologies Like Ultrasound IT Are Advancing the Industry
Healthcare has a connectivity problem. Health data is often siloed and difficult to access, leaving clinicians struggling to obtain the information they need when they need it most. The data exists—it's just out of reach. This is especially true in radiology, where images and exam data can sit on legacy servers, available only to clinicians using that system.
Cloud healthcare technology breaks down those silos, allowing radiologists and other clinicians to access useful, actionable informatio...
Dementia and Paranoia: A Guide for Providing Care and Support
This is one in a series of articles I ghostwrote for Brightstar Care. The audience is family caregivers who are caring for an elderly relative.
...................................For caregivers and their loved ones, understanding the interplay between dementia and paranoia is crucial. The article provides tips and guidance to help them do this compassionately and effectively.
Vonage Guide: API Patient Engagement Solutions for Healthcare Systems
The e-book/white paper provides
An overview of current trends shaping healthcare communications
Insights on the role of AI in healthcare communication
Details on how to use communications APIs for better patient engagement
Examples of communications APIs in action for patient outreach
New Health Data Privacy Laws are Coming — Assess Compliance With This 12-Point Checklist
Successful compliance with increasingly strict and regularly changing data privacy laws requires effective consent management processes. To ensure its clients comply with privacy laws, Throtle developed a comprehensive privacy and consent management checklist.
4 Patient Preferences to Consider When Shopping for Telehealth Providers
Top-of-funnel article that outlines telehealth-related considerations patients have when choosing a healthcare provider.
"When considering telehealth providers, ask yourself: What do my patients want from their healthcare professionals?"
A Primer on Achieving 988 Crisis Call Center Success
"A Primer on Achieving 988 Crisis Call Center Success," developed for Core Solutions Inc., provides strategies for effective 988 crisis call centers, including risk assessment, care coordination, mobile response teams, and tech solutions (e.g., telehealth.) The guide focuses on achieving efficient, coordinated crisis response to improve outcomes.
I wrote most of the material and complied and edited the rest from other Core Solutions blog posts.
Private-Duty Caregivers: What They Do and How to Choose One
Written for caregivers, this post gives an overview on how to choose and work with a private-duty caregiver.
Roughly 70% of Americans who reach age 65 will need some sort of caregiver. While some people have family members who can fulfill a part- or full-time caregiving role, many will look to experienced professionals.
What Is POCUS? A Brief History of Point of Care Ultrasound
An article for GEHC on the evolution of point of care ultrasound (POCUS)
The Expanding Need for End-Point Adjudication
Sponsors often turn to endpoint adjudication committees (EACs) for large, complex
studies, but they aren’t limited to large trials anymore. Many other factors need to be considered when determining the need for an adjudication committee.
Telehealth for at-risk patients (Client: Commission for Case Manager Certification)
This issue brief for the CCMC discusses how telehealth both expands access in general while creating hurdles for at-risk populations.
How Vonage Business Communications Can Empower Your Medical Staff
This eBook discusses how cloud-based communication tools support medical practices, even small ones. It focuses on Vonage's UCaaS platform.
Is That Heart Attack Really an Adverse Event? Obesity Trials Require Rigorous Independent Adjudication
Blog post written for WCG.
The theme: Without the right independent expertise, sponsors launching obesity trials risk misidentifying adverse events (AE) and creating conflicts of interest. Independent experts can provide a more consistent evaluation of AEs, safety, etc. This helps ensure rigorous regulatory submission and eliminates any perception of conflict of interest.